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General Tree Assessment

       With a general tree assessment, we will discuss the concerns you have about one or more trees on your property. I will assess the tree(s) for health and vigor, noting any plant problems (symptoms and signs) and structural defects as I encounter them. Following the assessment, I will outline possible actions to take and discuss the pros and cons of each with you. This type of assessment may also include species and location recommendations for new trees and tree protection measures during construction/remodeling.  Finally, you will receive a report detailing my findings and recommendations about a week after the assessment.

Tree Risk Assessment

       Using the International Society of Arboriculture’s Basic Tree Risk Assessment process and form I will assess your tree for the risk it poses to people or property and provide options to mitigate the risk(s). This type of assessment is done to identify hazardous situations and recommend action before damage occurs and/or to assure the owner (or manager) of the tree that it is structurally sound and can be reasonably retained on site as an acceptable risk.  A report including the overall tree risk rating and mitigation options will be delivered within about a week following the assessment.


       This is similar to the general tree assessment except that I will not provide a follow-up report.  I’ll address your concerns as best I can on site, and you may take notes if you wish.  This option will provide you with about 75% of the information that would likely be included had I written a report and, of course, there will be no report to refer to in future or to share with potential contractors.  On the upside, it is a lower cost option.  Generally, the walk-through is best for addressing relatively simple, straightforward concerns (Is the tree worth retaining?  Should I plant tree X at location Y?).

Young Tree Pruning

       Establishing good form while a tree is relatively young is vital for its future health, structure, and appearance. I will prune what I can from the ground with hand tools to encourage the form that is appropriate for the tree species. Depending on the condition of the tree (largely dependent on how it was treated in the nursery and at planting) it may require a few rounds of pruning over several years. For that reason, I like to instruct clients as to the tree’s needs as I prune so that they may feel confident in training a young tree themselves or in requiring proper pruning from their regular tree care provider.

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